Listen to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy
Click here to listen to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
The Weekly Bible Lesson
The Christian Science Bible Lessons are a daily resource for comfort, support and inspiration. Each Lesson consists of Bible verses, amplified and explained by related passages from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Each week’s Lesson can be heard on Sunday mornings at any Christian Science church. Find the church or society closest to you by going to the Home page of this site, then click on that box to find the time and location of their services.
Learn more about the Christian Science Bible Lessons at
Read it With Others
Read the Weekly Bible Lesson* Live Online with others
Monday – Friday 8:00am-8:30am (Eastern time)
Dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (712) 770-4160
Access Code: 438768#
Sponsored by the Joint Media Committee of Georgia.
*The Weekly Bible Lesson published by the Christian Science Publishing Society.
Guidelines: Simple read through with no discussion during the lesson. Ideas or thoughts can be submitted via email and shared on Fridays. Readers change daily. Space is limited so join the meeting early by phone or on computer.
Listen to the recorded Lesson By phone 24/7
In Georgia, dial:
Call using either phone line. Press 1 for the Bible Lesson, which changes weekly on Mondays.
Brought to you by MessageLInk Communications (800) 339-6080 Readable Voicemail, Text Talk, Text Marketing!
Click here to find more 24/7 phone numbers for the Weekly Bible Lesson across the nation.
Listen to the Sunday service LIVE at The Mother Church in Boston at 10:00 am Eastern using your Computer
Listen live on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time or listen to a replay at any time during the rest of the week.
The service lasts one hour and an organ prelude and postlude extend 7-10 minutes before and after the service.
Listen to the Sunday Service Live at The Mother Church in Boston at 10:00 am Eastern by Phone
Access code 767519#
Only on Sundays at 10am and Wednesdays at 2pm (Eastern time, no replays) and on a first-come-first-served basis. Phone lines are limited, so please listen by computer only, if possible. Phone charges, if any, are the responsibility of the caller.
Leccion Biblica Semanal
Haga clic aquí para encontrar 24/7 números de teléfono en todo el país y llama a escuchar.
Wednesday Testimony Meetings
Every Wednesday evening, we hold meetings that have a special place in our heart. These meetings cover current topics and include selected readings from the Bible, and the Christian Science Textbook. At these meetings, the congregation shares the healings they have had through the study and practice of Christian Science — how their enlarged understanding of God is bringing health and joy to their lives. Find your local Christian Science church or society on the Home page of this site, and learn when and where their Wednesday services are held.
Listen LIVE by Phone
These Georgia Churches host call-in services for their Wednesday evening meetings:
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Athens :: Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. You can call-in and participate in the entire meeting. Just click on the Listen page, or call
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Thomasville :: Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta :: Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm.
Listen to The Mother Church Wednesday meeting LIVE by Computer
Join our global online congregation live every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. Eastern time. You’ll hear hymns and readings specially compiled for the day, as well as testimonies submitted by listeners. Readings are from the Christian Science pastor—the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. There’s an organ prelude and postlude, plus an online church lobby, open for 15 minutes after the meeting.
Sentinel Radio Program
The Christian Science Sentinel—Radio Edition is a weekly radio program broadcast throughout the United States and in various parts of the world, as well as released on a monthly subscription CD. Tune in and find strength, comfort, and renewal through uplifting interviews and inspiring testimonies from individuals who rely on God for healing.
Continual broadcast of the Sentinel-Radio is supported by The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, MA. To learn more about upcoming broadcasts, visit the >Sentinel Radio Home Page found on JSH-Web Radio plays continually 24/7 and is available on your computer, smart phone, and tablet.
By Computer
Click here to listen to JSH Web Radio.
Listen by phone 24/7
Click here to find more 24/7 phone numbers across the nation.
Brought to you by MessageLInk Communications (800) 339-6080 Readable Voicemail, Text Talk, Text Marketing!
Heraldo de la Ciencia Cristiana
Haga clic aquí para encontrar 24/7 números de teléfono en todo el país y llama a escuchar.
Your Daily Lift
Click here to listen to the audio version of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
By Computer
Click here to listen to Your Daily Lift through your computer.
Click here to add the Daily Lift to your Facebook feed. Just Like the page, and you will see the Daily Lift come across your Facebook wall.